Personal Injury

What is My Injury Worth?

Posted by: Kemmy Law Firm

It is perhaps the most common question that personal injury lawyers are asked, “What is my injury worth?”

Understandably it’s the question you want a definite answer to. It represents the amount you paid out of pocket for medical care, the time missed at work, and as compensation for the pain you experienced. But it is a complex question.

The value of your case can be affected by a wide range of factors. Was the other party negligent? Were your injuries documented? How much are you likely to spend on medical bills now and in the future? Was it an injury in the workplace?

One of the benefits of hiring a personal injury attorney is their body of experience and knowledge. They can examine the various aspects of your case to determine the true financial value of your injury.

At the Kemmy Law Firm, we represent injury victims across West Texas, the Permian Basin, and in the Midland-Odessa, Hobbs, New Mexico area. Call (844) 334–4388 today and set up your free, no-risk consultation to discuss your situation and the potential value of a personal injury claim.

Factors Considered in Personal Injury Cases

Whether your personal injury case is settled by the insurance company or argued in the courtroom, there are certain factors that are likely to increase or decrease the amount of money at stake.

These key factors include:

  • Disruptions to your life and the associated expenses. If an injury causes a serious change in your day-to-day routine, it may be worth more. For example, if you have a broken bone that requires you to stay in bed most of the day, you may need to hire a housekeeper, someone to cook for your family, and someone to take your children to and from school. Anything that significantly changes your daily or quality of life is likely worth more than an injury that causes minor inconvenience.
  • Recovery time. The amount of time you need to recover could change the value of your injury settlement. A long recovery time means more time without income, more doctors’ appointments, and more medical expenses.
  • Ability to prove liability. If your attorney can definitively prove that the other party is liable for your injuries, you will likely get more money than you would if you share some of the blame.
  • Is your injury well documented? Evidence is crucial in any personal injury case. The more evidence and documentation you have tying your injury to the incident and demonstrating the other party’s liability, the more you may be able to secure in a settlement.
  • The severity of the injury. More severe injuries need more healing time, require more medical care, and take away from an individual’s ability to work. As a result, they yield larger settlements than minor injuries.

Damages You May Be Entitled To

When determining how much your injury is worth, your attorney will consider several types of damages. A major portion of this is your medical expenses. Treatment, ambulance transportation, follow-up visits, surgeries, and medications are all considered when assessing how much an injury cost you.

If you have to spend time away from work because of your injury, your lost wages will also be taken into account. Victims who permanently lose their ability to work due to an accident can also seek damages for future lost wages.

Another important type of compensation is your pain and suffering. While more difficult to value than other damages, pain and suffering still makes up a large portion of many settlements. The healing process is difficult and will likely decrease your quality of life as you recover. The pain and suffering you endure during and after the accident could increase your settlement.

There are also other types of damages that may be unique to your situation and injury. This can include out of pocket travel expenses and home renovations, among others. These can be hard to keep track of, but help from and experienced personal injury attorney, you can get a better picture of what your injury is worth.

Important Evidence in a Personal Injury Case

It’s clear that more evidence leads to a stronger case, which then leads to higher settlements and awards. As soon as possible after your accident, document the circumstances that caused the accident and its aftermath.

If you were in a car accident, take pictures and video of the crash scene from multiple angles. If you suffer a slip and fall accident, make sure someone gets pictures of the broken stairwell, unsalted icy sidewalk, or walkway obstruction. Keep backups and provide copies to your attorney.

Evidence of your injuries is crucial. Personal injury cases often hinge on whether or not you have verifiable injuries and whether or not those injuries were caused by the other party. Photograph you injuries, get copies of all of your medical records, keep a journal of your physical recovery, and provide everything to your attorney.

In some accidents, there may be physical evidence to preserve than others. For instance, if you are bitten by a dog, you may have bloody, ripped clothing. After a car accident, your vehicle damage is evidence of the crash.

Kemmy Law Firm Can Help

When we take a case at Kemmy Law Firm, we do so knowing that we are helping our clients and making our community a safer place. We believe that people should be held responsible when their negligence causes someone else to suffer.

When you are ready to take the first step in your personal injury case, contact us online or call (844) 334–4388. Initial consultations are free and you owe nothing unless you recover compensation.

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Contact Kemmy Law Firm Today

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Get a free consultation. We do not charge up-front fees, and you owe nothing unless you recover compensation.

When you work with us at Kemmy Law Firm, you are working with a family run firm with more than 50 years of combined experience. We are dedicated and successful trial attorneys practicing in West TX, Hobbs, NM, Midland-Odessa, and across the Permian Basin. Our team handles everything from catastrophic injury claims to complex business matters. We are here to fight for you. We dedicate our time and attention to your case and use every resource available to maximize your claim and obtain the best possible outcome.